Àâòîð: bor_27
Ññûëêà: http://11-q.ru/view/topic.cfm?key_or=876287

Êðàñàâèöà Ñîíÿ ñ èäåàëüíîé ôèãóðêîé â íîâîé ôîòîñåññèè !!! - 20 áîëüøèõ è î÷åíü êà÷åñòâåííûõ ôîòî.

Age: 22
Eyecolor: BROWN
Haircolor: BLACK
Height: 164 cm
Weight: 52 kg
Breast Size: Small
Measurements: 86/60/90
Country: Czech Republic
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Bio: Sonia is still a little shy. “I like people watching me but, it still makes me nervous. I want to do it more; I want people to see me more.
I love the way it makes me feel . . . I guess I am shy that way.” She grins with that marvelously shy grin and we have to say, she can melt your heart even if she blushes when she does it.